InCHIP is charged by the University with helping to develop and further the research enterprise in the areas of health behavior, health behavior change, health intervention, and prevention at UConn, and with contributing broadly to these fields of inquiry. InCHIP accomplishes these ends, in part, by supporting InCHIP affiliate researchers in their work in these domains.
Why become an InCHIP Affiliate?
(Read below, or go directly to Affiliate Application Forms at bottom of page.)
InCHIP provides many types of support to its affiliates. These vary for faculty/advanced degree research affiliates and graduate student affiliates, and also among faculty/advanced degree research affiliates, depending upon whether they are InCHIP Principal Investigators.
The types of support you may be able to access as an InCHIP affiliate include, but are not limited to:
– Ability to apply for: InCHIP seed grants, summer faculty stipends for grant development, and grants for conference development.
– Support services including: notices of grant opportunities in your area(s) of interest, including custom searches; help finding co-investigators or consultants with specific skillsets for your grant application; assistance with literature searches associated with writing grants; pre-submission external grant reviews by experts in the field; access to samples of funded grants written by other InCHIP PIs, which serve as models of successful responses to different types of grant mechanisms.
– Inclusion on: listservs announcing InCHIP Lecture Series presentations on health behavior – which can be attended either in person or via live streaming, and which are given by world experts in their fields; listservs announcing grant opportunities and job opportunities.
– Ability to: join one of InCHIP’s five interest groups (obesity prevention, cancer prevention, HIV prevention, ehealth/mhealth, health marketing); access InCHIP’s Microsoft Lync services (web conferencing platform); post supplemental material associated with your published articles on InCHIP’s website; reserve research space and conference rooms in InCHIP’s 14,000 square foot facility in the Ryan Building at UConn-Storrs; use InCHIP research equipment; access exceptional IT support for research projects involving health behavior, including IT consultation on IT-intensive grants, assistance with IT purchases, assistance with IT project management, repairs of InCHIP- or grant-purchased computer hardware; utilize InCHIP’s long-term data storage solutions, including storage which is compliant with HIPAA guidelines.
– For Principal Investigators of InCHIP grants: access to office space, and space for your grant-funded research team in the InCHIP facility (if available); access to exceptional pre-and post-award services, including the production of grant budgets by our pre-award specialist, access to a thorough pre-submission check by our pre-award grants specialist of your grant application for compliance with the funder’s regulations; assistance with pre-award coding and setting up of the awarded budget; assistance with creating PSAs and consortium agreements; assistance with hiring staff for grants, with payroll processing, and with labor relations issues; assistance with purchasing and reimbursements and cash advances; assistance with travel (e.g., purchasing tickets, cash advances, travel reimbursements); and access to exceptional post-award support for your projects.
For general affiliate-related questions please email